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Elsinore Naval and Military School


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Photos from typical Cadet daily life and around the ENMS property

Presented here are more photos, many graciously contribted by our own friends. We've recieved many and will soon have them all posted. If you have a recent picture that you would like posted, send them via e-mail to us and live forever vicariously through the internet.

Click any photo for a larger Image

Clicking the Plaque above will take you to our History Page.

The above Plaque was commissioned by Wayne Burcham and was placed as a permanent Memorial across from the main building entrance by the Flagpole and fountain. The Plaque layout was designed by Major Mel Meineke with the verbiage rendered by George Keely. These three gentlemen deserve all our gratitude for this touching Tribute to ENMS. This Plaque has been STOLEN. If anyone has any information, please let us know. It's only value to anyone but us is it's scrap value.

Parade in Hemet, 1967

"Pass in Review" Rick Scalzo, Jim Moody and Danny Hudson standing tall and looking sharp in the Hemet Parade.

David Delbridge,Officer of the Day
David on guard duty. One of the "cake" jobs at ENMS. But by the looks of it, he's relaxing after a hard tour of duty.
The "infamous" Smokers Hole

Are these the "dregs" of ENMS? Or simply old friends enjoying a smoke? Smoke 'em if ya got em.

Smokers Hole revisited.

How many smilin' faces do you recognize?

"On the Aft Deck"

Kindly donated by Sandy Freeman. Sandy and fellow Cadets on the Aft Deck overlooking the newly built swimming pool, 1936.

Typical ENMS bunkbed.
How about that warm, cozy school blanket? Anyone still have one? And do you really think this bed would pass Inspection?
Our beloved halls of Learning

A great photo of the classrooms submitted by Rick Scalzo. Very nice landscaping. These early photos of the classrooms seem to be from an ENMS Catalog possibly from the 1930s The classrooms burned down in the late '80s.

Classroom Offices
Nice shot of the offices with the original landscaping. Spiffy huh?
Classroom area looking east from Grand Ave.
View across the parade grounds towards the lake. See any Grubs lurking in the upper left corner?
Color Guard and Band

Presenting the Colors during the Sunday Parade, 1966. The Color Guard consists of (from left) Guzik, Lewsader, Carlock, Richter and Best. Olsen behind the Color Guard. Band members showing include Noble, Hawk, Scalzo, Dannemiller, McGuire, Koeckritz and Delbridge.

Drum and Bugle Corp 1966

Nice photo in front of the Classrooms. Lt. Noble and his Drum and Bugle Corp.

Senior School small dorm room

Photo from 1956. This dorm shot is very similar to the Junior School dorm I was housed in during my first year in 1962.

ENMS Brass and Ribbon

How many of you remember removing the laquer coating on the brass and shining it up for the Sunday Parade?