I stumbled upon these photos taken at ENMS while continuing to search for information on our school on the internet. Early in 2008, a group of photographers apparently spent two nights in the main building after somehow gaining access to the property.
It's interesting how they used the various colored flashes and fiseye lens to turn a rather dull subject into something vastly interesting. These are some talented photogs to be sure. I hope that you all enjoy them as much as I did.
On a final note, while reading some of the comments associated with these photos, I noticed that those spending the night at ENMS as well as others comments seemed to suggest with no doubt that the place is Haunted. The first night they spent was a dark and dismal rainy night. The second being clear with a full moon. I tebd to think that these photos lend credance to the claims of hauntings. Or just perhaps, it was the wind and shadows.